
Calebs Opus Welcomes you
About Us
Caleb’s Opus is 501C3 rescue organization located in Southern Maine. We are dedicated to securing loving homes and families for the misplaced, abandoned, abused, homeless and special needs dogs who need us most. We are committed to being the voice they don’t have. We are a small organization determined to improve the lives of as many as possible, as often as possible. We invite you to join our Caleb’s Opus family and welcome your support! License Number: CO15201
Caleb's Opus was founded by two people who love and adore animals. Carol Cain and Mia Sullivan each have a rescue dog that sparked a deep passion to care for dogs and need without a voice. Between the two, there are currently 12 rescue dogs in their home packs and both enjoy the chaos. Caleb's Opus name is a combination of two special dogs whose spirits have encouraged and provides a faith that together we can improve the homeless conditions many dogs are currently in.

Caleb is a chow shepherd mix who came from rural Mississippi. Born with a neurological disorder, (Hypomyelination) Caleb and his litter mates started life with the odds stacked against them. A special rescue took in these neurological loves, and a second rescue was willing to adopt them to loving homes in New England. Carol considers herself fortunate to have been able to meet Caleb in Mississippi and to be involved with the rescue process, transport and adoption beginning to end. Caleb's foster fell through the day of his arrival. The stars aligned and Caleb was the 4th rescue dog added to Carol's pack.
Opus was approximately a six-week-old mixed breed found on the streets of Hartford, CT. Scrounging through a garbage dumpster with a belly full of parasites and worms, a young boy found him and took him to his schoolteacher. This amazing teacher searched and found Opus his forever home within a couple of days. Opus was the first dog for the family and quickly became the center of everyone's attention. However, his health was an ongoing issue that they would battle for over a year. Opus eventually recovered and his personality began to shine. He was playful, joyful, protective, funny and was an amazing caregiver to children, from newborns to young adults. He was a true lover of people. Sadly in 2010, Opus was diagnosed with advanced brain cancer that took him quickly. While his mom Mia misses his presence every day, she celebrates their connection and all he taught her by making sure to find and take care of those that need extra time, extra attention, extra support and adapting to a life of love.